New Deal
Another Sports Entry
In other news, my lab life is once again full. Research is going ahead full steam once again and we have a bunch of new faces in the lab. At least three new grad students between the two groups and a slew (6) new undergraduates running around with a whole host of projects. Its nice to see the lab bustling again as a return to normalcy ensues. A salesman from a bio supplies company came in today and remarked that we seemed like the closest knit lab that he had encountered in the building. I am more than a little proud of that and I think he's right and I wouldn't have it any other way. Patrick OUT!!!
An Update???
Ok, so its been a long time since I updated here but believe me, it was a justified hiatus. Since my last post, the vast majority of my time has been split amongst three things with the first taking the lions share: PhD qualifier, Red Sox, and Patriots. I guess I should probably address all three at this point and that should cover about 90% of what I've been up to and thinking about for the past month. First off, my qualifier. My topic ended up being about a new technique for detecting metabolites in maize (corn). It could have been fairly cool but ended up being a nightmare and I'm glad that I only had to write about it in theoretical terms. Doing the work I outlined would have been a bitch and a half. The extra half bitch is because we are getting to be on par with paris hilton, naomi campbell, amarosa, and for those biblically inclined, delilah (go ahead, look it up...she was pretty bad). In the end, after all was said and done, I produced a fairly dense 15 page (a pretty short limit if you ask me) proposal for research that I submitted to my exam committee to look over and critique. Then last week, I gave a seminar on the proposal to the department. It went, OK but not great. I think I should have focused on some parts more than others in hindsight and that some important points might have been lost in minutia. Either way, I then proceeded to the private defense in front of my committee. That was less than pleasant all in all. I suppose I got off kind of easy because it only took about an hour and fifteen minutes, which I gather is a good deal shorter than some of them. Questions were not unreasonable but I certainly couldn't answer all of them. They did a good job of finding every weakness that I had found and exploiting them though I was hoping they might not notice. I guess, in hindsight, that was a less than stellar strategy for such a thing. In the end, after tearing apart my proposal and telling me it wasn't very good, they kicked me out of the room to discuss and eventually took me back in to say that all was well and that I passed. PHEW! After that, we went to lunch and I attempted to calm down for a while before heading back to the lab for more experiments. The whole thing was a little anti-climactic in that I spent a lot of time over the preceding two and a half weeks preparing the work to have it boiled down to an appraisal of "its good."
Tuesday followed, with Ally's thesis defense for her masters. She seemed nervous to start but all in all it was pretty good and she was very funny. She is quite the character and has a certain way of pulling people in and speaking in a way that makes it easy to understand. These are things that I certainly do not do and could probably stand to learn a few things. Long and short of it is that she is actually done, though she isn't leaving the department quite yet. After she finished, she announced that she had bought me a cake and we got together with the department later to have it and some champagne that her advisor had brought in. It was really great in all respsects. Besides all that excitement the only things that have been pulling at me are sports related. This has been a long post so I will just say a few words on boston sports. First off, the red sox are starting to drive me crazy...i'm starting to return to the mindset that is just waiting for a monumental collapse and the ensuing collective guilt/dismay/hope for next year mentality that beset red-sox nation before 2004. It might not be all bad, it could weed out some of the "pink hat/green jersey" crowd from making tickets impossible to get for the rest of know who you are. The patriots on the other hand...are becoming the Yankees of football. The only difference is that instead of overpaid superstars that flounder when the games really matter we have superstars that are willing to take a pay cut to keep the team competitive (see Randy Moss and Tom Brady) and still come through in a clinch. When do the, "Patriots Suck" chants start...that will be a good day. Depending on how this evenings game goes...this might be the last sports mention for a while or at least until i recover from the astounding victory/defeat of the Red Sox. Patrick OUT!
Whats in Store
Are you ready?
At Last
Thadeus is living in the basement?
Jen tricks us into thinking she went to bed
Artie slides down the stairs one at a time and punches the wall
Sarah you can not sleep here
The porch collapses
Kimmy and the bathroom???
Hiding Greg's Vodka
Utah Stephanie and Seagrams 7
Kimmy cries over her scrapbook...twice
Sarah...its for you (sarah answers the phone).
DP Dough drinks a gargleblaster
Puke on the flowers
Jillian and the basement
and finally...Marie: " Remember when you had huge parties 5 weekends in a row?"
Amazingly, I do and happily I think a lot of others do too. Patrick OUT!
Miss America Strikes Again
I just couldn't resist. I almost feel dumber for having listened to this but don't let that disuade you from listening yourself. The ramblings of an idiot like you have never heard. Also, it looks like "Slater" (don't know his real name) can hardly keep from laughing at her answer.
Busy Weekend
Wooba Gobba with the Green Teeth
Yes Sir, May I Have Another
Shit Creek
-George Carlin
This kind of sums up my situation at the moment. I got word about my car repairs yesterday. Seems that my cylinder heads were not cracked but they were a little warped from the overheating. This means the repairs should be around 2000 instead of 2800 which was also a possibility. I guess I can count myself lucky there. I have also worked out a means of paying that and my recently received bill for summer housing without going totally broke in the process. Also, Dan and I are going to this afternoons red sox game which is doubly good because Josh Beckett is pitching and I'm ditching work to go do it. Yesterday was Kate's birthday which was fun, the family plus some of her friends went out to the local japanese hibachi grill and stuffed our faces beyond what should be legal. I've always said that if I ever won the lottery I might have one of those big cooking tables installed some place in my home. I think it would be the perfect mix of entertaining and cooking. It seems to me that everyone always gathers in the kitchen in the first why not make that the point of it all by cooking in front of people. Plus...the ability to do the onion volcano thing whenever I want has a certain je ne sais pas that really makes it appealing. Maybe to start I will just go buy myself a tall chefs hat, a knife holster...then i can fling shrimp at all my friends. I've been working on my japanese jokes and almost unintelligable accent to complete the ensemble. I was also thinking what if I did an Irish-American cooking table to pay tribute to my heritage. Everyone could gather round and watch potatos boil and I could slice corned beef brisket and slop on some cabbage. Smells like success...and old socks. Instead of the little jar of soy sauce, I could replace it with whiskey because when you are eating corned beef and probably need it. Make your reservations early...this is gonna be BIG. Patrick OUT!
Car Trouble Yet Again
Its that time of year again
A cut above the rest
New Age Hippie Bullshit
Home and Away
Thats Doctor Wikipatrick to You
1. Who's the boss
2. Alyssa Milano
3. Poison Ivy II
4. Poison Ivy I
5. Drew Barrymore
6. John Barrymore
7. Hamlet
8. Shakespeare
9. Anne Hathaway (shakespeare's wife)
10. Anne Hathaway (Actress)
11. Audrey Hepburn
12. Breakfast at Tiffany's
13. Truman Capote
14. Harper Lee
15. Banned Books
16. Catcher in the Rye
17. Mark David Chapman
18. John Lennon
19. The Beatles
20. British Invasion
And you thought that a 1980s show about an italian american housekeeper had no connection to the british invasion of 1960s. Wanna play trivial pursuit? Patrick OUT!
Long Drive
Cat Predicts Death
Deja vu
1. A slight southern accent that rears its head after 3 beers.
2. A taste for nuances of Miller High Life, the champagne of beers (thoughI think I'll stick to Sammy A back in Massachusetts)
3. An understanding of the usage of the phrases "y'all" and "all y'all" (only one of them is actually plural)
4. The ability to use the phrase "fixin to" without people laughing at me
5. Knowledge that catfish is really not fit for human consumption
6. If you need a ride in memphis on a saturday night...look for lesbians (yea, long story)
7. I suck at soccer
8. People who aren't american are pretty good at soccer
9. Catfish noodlin/grabblin/wrangling is the most redneck thing any person could possibly do (look it up on wikipedia if interested)
10. Lastly, livin down south can really start to grow on a person
Patrick OUT!
Wax On Wax Off
Soup Nazi
Cast of Characters
Gerard Depardieu (M/26) - PhD student from France who acts like he has never heard of America. Wal-Mart was totally foreign to him (I thought all the french hated they hate personal hygeine). A fairly nice guy who wants to leave france after his degree and get a job in industry. Does research on mycorhizal fungi hyphal branching that may have some application to the research back in worcester...still trying to convince pam.
Sam Adams (M / ~40) - Older guy who works in manipulating Hops for brewers. Pretty funny to talk to but I think he's a stoner because the first thing he mentioned in his talks was that hops are related to cannabis and that the compounds he looks at are similar to THC (the active component in marijuana). Said he likes to drink Pilsner Urquell because it tastes stale but won't drink budweiser, i'm not sure I get that line of reasoning.
Eddy Haskel (M/27) - Met this guy at a previous conference and got to know him fairly well and he knows pam. Named him Eddy Haskel because he is exactly like that character from leave it to beaver. Always trying to instrigate insurrection amongst the graduate students and beat the system but puts up a good face for the higher ups. Example: Conference wants us to pay $30 for sticker for an open bar all week. Eddy suggests that just one person buy the sticker and get drinks for everyone else. We all bought stickers...maybe next time Ed.
Edna Haskel (F/26) - PhD student who is eddy's female counterpart. She greated her PI (boss) with a big hug and kind words and then proceeded to rip her a new asshole behind her back later in the evening when she had gone to bed. I'm not going to say her boss didn't deserve it but I was pretty taken aback.
Dieter VonSchnell (M/52) - Professor helping to run things around here as of late. Stereotypical german male, very controlling, direct, harsh, and unyielding. I like him.
Adriana Lima(F/27) - Brazilian who talks incessantly about virtually nothing. Not a biologist by training but thinks its quaint that we study all of the things we do. A chemical engineer who can't really see much farther than a reaction diagram. Totally lacks perspective of the big picture and always has a comment about everything. Asks questions at each session attempting to impress but really just exposing her lack of true insight. I don't care to see her much more.
Thats all for now. Probably a few more to come after the conference is over. Patrick OUT!
Long One
7/12/07 part 2
Volunteered to be bumped from my flight. Got a free round trip ticket to anywhere air tran flies for the next year. Also got a meal voucher, a drink on the plane, and seating in an exit row. In return, I took a flight that was two hours later and got home at around midnight.
Got new glasses this morning...slightly different prescription. Talked to Dr. Whoever about LASIK surgery to maybe get my eyes fixed and he said it would be $5000 for both eyes. Seemed a little steep for the privilege of wearing designer sunglasses and not pushing up my glasses all the time. I suppose I could get contacts if I could conquer my fear of poking myself in the eye repeatedly. He did inform me that Tiger Woods got the surgery. I'm not sure what he was insinuating but if it was that LASIK made him the greatest golfer of all time and lead to his lucrative endorsement deals then sign me up. For 12 million a year, I think I could go under the knife and you could even call me panther, or leopard or some other ridiculous nickname. Here I come PGA. Went to worcester after that and stopped by the lab for a bit. It was good to see Dr. Manny, Elif, and Deli again. I was informed that Deli found a girlfriend (in china, though) which is good because he needs someone to go to his funeral when Jose eventually kills him. They had an ice cream social of sorts to welcome some new faculty member and so I tagged along for that before eventually heading up to Tilton for the conference. Took close to 3 hours to get here because of lake's region traffic.
First real day of the conference, woke up for 7:30 breakfast and then 5 hours of seminars of which only a few were worthwhile. Had lunch and then had some free time. Ended up playing basketball with some of the guys. Luckilly they weren't very good. By not very good I mean when the 5'7" white guy (me) looks like he could play for the NBA...the rest of the court probably isn't so hot. Its a good thing they are getting PhDs because their basketball careers are going no where fast. My golf career on the other hand is going to be outta this world as soon as I get that surgery. Had a very lengthy poster session where I talked to lots of people about my project and got some less than encouraging words of caution from a Joe Chappell...this could mean a lot more work. Had dinner and now we have some more seminars until 9:30 and then an "informal gathering." Not entirely sure what that means and why it was on the schedule but I'm glad I can leave my three piece suit in the room for now. *phew*. Also, the highlight today was talking to this guy who sounds like he is high as a kite all the time. I think he is just canadian (from calgary I believe). Anyways, I should be getting down to the seminars for my education. Patrick OUT!
Fixin' to bust up
Larry David?
Walkin in Memphis
Put on my last clean clothes
And I got in the car
Drove down to the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain
A.S. Univ. -- won't you look down over me
Yeah I got a first class ticket
But I'm as blue as a boy can be
Then I'm walking in Memphis
Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel
Saw a crazy addict
On mad'son Avenue
Followed him up to the local trolly
That I paid and walked on to
Now the driver, she did not know us
She just knew that were new
But there's an older sort of man
wants to give a hand
In that trolly gloom.
They've got bottles on the table
They've got guys and gals inside
And the lesbians be glad to see you
When you haven't got a ride
But boy we got a ride in Memphis
Now they rescued us from the ghetto
Crazy saturday at the "One More"
And they brought us down to see her
And they gave us a quick tour --
Bought them all a drink
and i took a long calm breath
And she said --
"Can we take your pictures boys?"
And we said "yea of bet!"
Put on my last clean clothes
And I got in the car
Drove down to the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain
Drove down to the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain
Sock Economics
any excuse
To recap
Patrick OUT!
Hippies need not apply
Oot and aboot
Movie Reviews
Anyways, I saw spiderman 3 in Indy with Dan. It was pretty campy all told, not that I was expecting much more. Tobey Maguire or is it Topher Grace...aren't they the same person??? Was entirely ineffective this time as a more manly womanizing version of spiderman. He should really stick to the awkward teenage roles and not assume he can do anything else. The same goes for his twin there Topher, that 70s show was good for you but don't assume that you're a good actor because people watched your show. I think that after three spiderman movies they might have done all that they can with this franchise. They are really starting to stretch with this stuff now...they have gotten away from the mindless superhero movie and gone on a crusade for human drama in spandex.
The other movie I saw was "Art School Confidential." Its essentially about a small private art college and the cornucopia of strange people that inhabit it. There are avant garde filmmakers, stoners, goth drawing majors and every other stereotype you can think of. John malkovich is in it and is clearly the shinning star of the movie...he really needed a bigger role. Of course, I probably say that for every john malkovich movie. The rest of the movie surrounds a weak plot about a freshman artist trying to find love and the search for a serial killer roaming the campus. The film itself is totally bizarre with lots of scenes where you aren't sure if you should laugh or not and very few where the decision is clear. Might be worth a rent if you are or have ever thought about going to art school.
Patrick OUT!